• 7 Reasons to Seek Chiropractic Help - Part 4

  • 6. Chiropractic Helps With Injuries Due to Accidents

    Chiropractic is beneficial in treating various injuries such as sprains, pulled muscles, and joint problems due to auto, sports, work, and everyday injuries. The most common injuries due to accidents are:

    • Whiplash
    • Lower back misalignment
    • Upper back and neck misalignment
    • Repetitive motion injuries

    Whiplash is the sudden movement that causes distortions to the neck. This type of sudden movement often happens during a car crash, even one at very low speeds. Although you may not initially feel any pain, the vertebrae that move out of place will eventually cause problems with the nerves and cause you pain from misalignment or subluxations. Medical doctors prescribe pain meds and bed rest for whiplash, which may be good for a day or two, but not for the long run. There is no way to remain in bed indefinitely nor is it possible to function regularly on pain medications. A chiropractor will help you with the cause of the problem rather than help you manage the symptoms.

    Lower back misalignment can happen suddenly or over a long period of time. For instance, you can improperly lift something heavy resulting in immediate back pain, or you can simply have poor posture that results in back pain over time. The misalignment causes subluxations that can be corrected using chiropractic.

    Lower back pain is made up of several different low back problems including:

    • Vertebral subluxations
    • Injured discs
    • Muscle strain
    • Ligament sprain
    • Scoliosis
    • Sciatica
    • And more.

    The ability to correct injuries holds true for the upper back and neck as well.

    Repetitive Motion Injuries are a fast growing source of pain in the United States often associated with the workplace, particularly sitting at a computer terminal for long periods of time. Repetitive motion injuries cause less oxygen to get into the muscles and this causes scar tissue to develop. Chiropractic releases the subluxations causing the pain.

    So, whether your pain is from a car accident or merely sitting incorrectly at work, chiropractic is a way for you to feel better fast.

    7. Chiropractic: Because You Live, Move, and Breathe

    Because you are alive and move about, you are sure to cause a misalignment of your spine at one time or another. Simple movements such as sitting or bending can cause problems. So can walking, running, stretching, and lifting. In fact, any movement can create a subluxation and subluxations cause pain when left alone. So, if you move, then you can benefit from chiropractic.

    Whether you are out running every day or see yourself more as a couch potato, chiropractic can be beneficial to you. It is the most effective natural healthcare available. And, as you've learned, it is safe, effective, non-invasive, inexpensive, and great for any injuries you may have. If you live, move, or breathe, you should have a doctor of Chiropractic as a member of your personal health care team.

    Teri Clark is a published author in the field of real estate, finance, and investing. Her interest in the new and different has also led to a successful online writing career. Teri has mastered the process of electronic virtual collaboration allowing her to produce nearly 100 books as an editor, researcher, freelance writer, and author. Of her five published books through Atlantic Publishing, Private Mortgage Investing won an Honorable Mention in Foreword Magazine's 2006 Book of the Year Award and 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home Now and For More Money Than You Thought was a Finalist in the 2007 USA Best Books Awards, as well as an Eric Hoffer Award winner. To learn more about Teri and how her professional writing skills can help your business grow, visit http://www.teribclark.com

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6863916